Sunday, December 2, 2007

Whatever Am I Doing in Wheaton?

How should I know? I’ll give you what I got; who could ask for anything more. I am not attending classes for the rest of this semester or Spring 08. Nothing drastic happened. I needed a break, so I’m taking one. If you feel entitled to more info, see me. I reckon, though, that unless you’ve been there too, I haven’t GOT much more.

I’m living a bit off campus with a lovely land-lady. Cooking&baking are a party. My T.A. work, an independent study, and friends are keeping me around campus. Primarily, I'm doing some thinking. I’m not worried, so you don’t have to either. I am responsible. I’m very, very responsible. Besides the important part, my 3 jobs (all adding up to part time), God is making something of my life. Don’t fret.

Thanks for asking.

By the way, I'm back blogging, had to get a new one cos I can't find my way into the old. This one's more personal, not an everybody-read-me-if-you-want. Enjoy, if you dare trudge through long posts, but answer me on email and not here, wouldja?

Also, I am no longer living in Wheaton. To state the obvious.

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